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Cross-Sector Collaboration for Improving the Health of Communities: You Can’t Do It Alone

Posted in: Community Development, and Performance Management and Quality Improvement

April 15, 2020


Ron Bialek and John W. Moran   “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller1Improving a community’s health requires that the community’s public health department, healthcare institutions, and other community stakeholders providing health and health-related services break o...


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Opioid Response: A Recipe for Local, Impactful Results

Posted in: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

October 2, 2018


Ron Bialek, MPP, President, Public Health Foundation.   First, the good news. Substantial federal, state, and local resources are being allocated for planning and implementing responses to the opioid crisis. For example, there are new and redirected federal funds available through the Centers for...


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Activate Your Community Health Improvement Plan Using Quality Improvement Tools

Posted in: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

June 14, 2017


A community health improvement plan (CHIP) or a state health improvement plan (SHIP) identifies actions that can be taken to improve a community’s health. This is an important step, but many communities find themselves down the road from their plan, with the plan still on the shelf. If your plan has...


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How South Dakota Reduced CRE through a Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Posted in: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, and Workforce Development

December 15, 2016


Angela M. Jackley, RN, is the Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance Program Coordinator for the South Dakota Department of Health. Her responsibilities include oversight and coordination of efforts to reduce healthcare-associated infections, multi-drug resistant outbreaks,...


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Mobilizing Community Partners to Action: How a Small Vector Control Program Tackled Zika

Posted in: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

October 11, 2016


Cheryl Clay is the Public Health Senior Environmentalist for the Madison County Health Department, where her core responsibility is managing the vector control program for the City of Huntsville. Her vector control program emphasizes public education and source reduction as the most effective means...


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Improving Access to Physical Activity: Taking on Health Disparities

Posted in: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, and Strategic Planning

July 22, 2016


Jessica Montana, MPH, CHES is the REACH Program Coordinator at the Cabarrus Health Alliance in Kannapolis, NC.   In Cabarrus County, NC, our public health and other community leaders understand that health disparities – often along racial and ethnic lines – are a genuine and formidable barrier to...


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Answering Your Questions about Using The Community Guide for Community Health Improvement

Posted in: Community Developmentby Kathleen Amos

May 31, 2016


Kathleen Amos, MLIS, Assistant Director, Academic/Practice Linkages, Public Health Foundation   In late March 2016, the Public Health Foundation (PHF), in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI)/Health Research...


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Using The Community Guide for Community Health Improvement Initiative Kicks Off

Posted in: Community Developmentby Kathleen Amos

April 14, 2016


Kathleen Amos, MLIS, Assistant Director, Academic/Practice Linkages, Public Health Foundation   The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide), a free resource for evidence-based recommendations and findings from the Community Preventive Services Task Force, can play a valuable role...


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From Paper to Practice: Seeking Opportunities to Pilot New Oral Health Driver Diagram

Posted in: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

August 15, 2014


In September 2013, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) funded the Public Health Foundation (PHF) to develop the Population Health Driver Diagram to Increase Use of Oral Health Care in an effort to address the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator, “Increase the proportion...


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