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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Resources & Tools


The Public Health Improvement Resource Center

April 15, 2015


The Public Health Improvement Resource Center is an online database is managed by the Public Health Foundation (PHF), and offers resources developed by colleagues and partners throughout the field to help build and improve public health systems. The resources support the initiation and continuation...


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Developing a Public Health Research & Applications Agenda: Tools for the 21st Century

September 16, 2010


In 1998, the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice (Council on Linkages) began developing a plan that could lead to a national public health research agenda. Subsequently, a Council on Linkages ad hoc committee developed a framework using both Healthy People 2010 objectives...


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Results from the 2006 Council on Linkages Survey on Use of the Public Health Competencies

September 15, 2010


According to a 2006 Council on Linkages survey on use of the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) by  academic institutions, over 90% of survey respondents stated that they had integrated the Core Competencies into their curricula. Out of 237 schools of public health,...


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Healthy People 2010 Toolkit

September 10, 2010


The Healthy People 2010 Toolkit provides guidance, technical tools, and resources to help states, territories, and tribes develop and promote successful Healthy People 2010 plans and to prepare for 2015 or 2020 plans.  It can also serve as a resource for communities and other entities embarking on similar...


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Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project

September 10, 2010


​In 2001, PHF assisted the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in the development of the Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project, which provides easily accessible information on evidence-based strategies related to the Healthy People 2010 objectives.  By clicking on specific search strategies,...


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Healthy People 2010 Archive of Resource Files


The Public Health Foundation played a major role in developing and compiling tools and other resources that were designed to assist organizations in their efforts to implement Healthy People 2010.  PHF migrated these tools and resources into one electronic file repository that can be downloaded from...


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Resources & Tools