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Performance Management, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
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NPHPS Story From the Field: Rocky Mountain Tribal Epidemiology Center

May 31, 2012


​Rocky Mountain Tribal Epidemiology Center provides technical assistance and facilitation support for American Indian Tribes in Montana and Wyoming in a variety of public health service areas, including the National Public Health Performance Standards (NPHPS) public health system assessment. The NPHPS...


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NPHPS Story From the Field: Cherokee Nation

May 31, 2012


Cherokee Nation used the combined results from the National Public Health Performance Standards (NPHPS) state public health system assessment and tribal public health assessment to guide its public health activities and initiatives. Based on the assessment results, they found they wanted to improve...


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Improving the Planning and Performance Measurement Reporting System

June 27, 2011


The goal of this rapid cycle improvement (RCI) project was to streamline the reporting process of the Minnesota Planning and Performance Measurement Reporting System to improve the content and quality of the data submitted and add more value for state and local stakeholders. RCI PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)...


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