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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence

Resources & Tools


Fostering a Culture of Immunization in Your Practice (Online Training)

July 3, 2024


​​​​​​Vaccination is important at every stage of life, providing essential health benefits and contributing to individual well-being and public health. To support public health and healthcare professionals in increasing routine immunization coverage rates, the Public Health Foundation (PHF), in partnership...


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The Relationship Between the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals, 10 Essential Public Health Services, and Foundational Public Health Services

May 16, 2024


​​​​​​Using multiple conceptual frameworks simultaneously is the norm in any field of study or practice. Public health is no exception. Concurrent frameworks often focus on different concepts or apply concepts in different settings. It is important to understand who and what is addressed by each framework...


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Pyramid Alignment Tool and Performance Standards and Measures Worksheet

May 8, 2024


Has your organization ever struggled with aligning strategic plan goals and objectives with organization activities?  Dan Ward, Performance Improvement Manager, Division of Public Health, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, and Jack Moran, Senior Quality Advisor, Public Health Foundation, teamed...


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AHD Webinar Series: The Public Health Camp - Building an Academic-to-Practice Pipeline at Public Health – Seattle & King County (Archived Virtual Meeting)

April 4, 2024


​​​​​Academic health department (AHD) partnerships – formal partnerships between health departments and academic institutions – have the potential to enhance the capacity of the organizations involved and offer a variety of benefits. This archived webinar, hosted by the Council on Linkages Between Academia...


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How Early Care and Education Can Help Children Keep Their Vaccinations Up-to-Date

March 22, 2024


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Toolkit for Early Care and Education Providers​The Public Health Foundation (PHF), in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and with input from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), National Center on Health, Behavioral Health,...


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Vaccine Storage and Transport Video Series

March 8, 2024


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Public Health Foundation (PHF), in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has developed a comprehensive three-part video series on vaccine storage and transport.It is imperative to equip the immunization workforce with accurate and updated guidance...


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City of Milwaukee Health Department Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals Prioritization Process

February 6, 2024


In late 2023 and early 2024, the City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) implemented the initiatives outlined in its 2021 strategic plan. Ensuring authentic and impactful efforts to dismantle racism were included in its policies and programs. To do so, MHD worked with the Public Health Foundation...


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AHD Webinar Series: New River Academic Health Department 10 Years In (Archived Webinar)

December 19, 2023


​​​​​​​​​Academic health department (AHD) partnerships – formal partnerships between health departments and academic institutions – have the potential to enhance the capacity of the organizations involved and offer a variety of benefits, such as increased health department capacity, placements for students,...


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Evidence-based Strategies and Resources to Increase Routine Vaccination Rates and Confidence

October 25, 2023


​​​​​A Toolkit for Healthcare Providers​The Public Health Foundation (PHF), in collaboration with the Centers for Disease C​ontrol and Prevention (CDC), developed this toolkit for healthcare providers as part of a series of toolkits being developed for CDC's broader Let's RISE (Routi​ne Immunizations...


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Vaccine Temperature Monitoring and Storage Equipment Videos

October 12, 2023


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Public Health Foundation (PHF), in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has developed an instructional video series on vaccine temperature monitoring and storage equipment.It is critical that the immunization workforce be equipped with accurate and...


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Resources & Tools