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Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLCs) Courses and Search Added to TRAIN

Related Categories: TRAIN, Workforce Development

Topic: TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 11/10/2016

Public health preparedness trainings developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLCs) are now more widely available and easily searchable on the TRAIN Learning Network.


The 14 PERLCs, housed at academic institutions throughout the country, developed approximately 400 training modules between 2010 and 2015 that were available across individual PERLC websites. Since only some of these courses were included on TRAIN, it remained difficult to locate and search for these courses until now.
To ensure that these trainings are more readily accessible to the public health workforce, the Public Health Foundation (PHF) and CDC have been collaborating to add PERLC content to TRAIN that was not already posted to the network. To date, nearly an additional 100 preparedness courses developed by the PERLCs have been added to TRAIN, bringing the total number of PERLC courses available on TRAIN to nearly 350. Additionally, learners can now access a new Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLC) Course Search, making it even easier for learners to find this quality content on TRAIN. 
PHF and CDC are also working with individual PERLCs that expressed interest in integrating their training platforms with the TRAIN Learning Network to streamline access to content for learners. These centers join other PERLCs such as the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice and UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health that already have such integrations in place.
This integration initiative builds on PHF’s coordination with CDC, one of the TRAIN Learning Network’s 29 affiliates, to provide public health preparedness and response trainings. Previously, PHF and CDC worked together to integrate the Public Health Preparedness and Response Core Competencies and the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities into TRAIN, allowing learners to dynamically find training content based on these standards.
More recently, PHF and CDC collaborated to develop the Evaluating Emergency Preparedness and Response Training: A Knowledge Repository. This repository serves as a guide and framework to promote evidence-based evaluations of trainings and other learning products. 
PHF remains committed to supporting public health preparedness and response. To access the new Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center (PERLC) Course Search on TRAIN, select “Course Search” in the main navigation bar of the TRAIN homepage. The new PERLC course search is located at the bottom of the Search Options on the left-hand navigation. To see all PERLC content included in this course search option, select all the PERLCs.


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Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLCs) Courses and Search Added to TRAIN