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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Resources & Tools


Performance Improvement Learning Series Catalog

September 1, 2015


The Performance Improvement Learning Series Catalog provides a listing of technical assistance and training services delivered by PHF's experts. The catalog is a sample of offerings and provides public health agencies and organizations with a menu of programs, tools, and techniques to choose from when...


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The Public Health Improvement Resource Center

April 15, 2015


The Public Health Improvement Resource Center is an online database is managed by the Public Health Foundation (PHF), and offers resources developed by colleagues and partners throughout the field to help build and improve public health systems. The resources support the initiation and continuation...


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Performance Management Toolkit Webinar Slides

October 1, 2014


The Performance Management Toolkit Webinar: Pinpoint the Resources You Need, took place on October 1, 2014 and included a walk-through of the features of the Performance Management Toolkit. During the webinar, Brynn Riley from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention shared her story of building...


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Nine Pillars to Support Public Health Quality Improvement Adoption

July 14, 2014


Delivering ​​the highest quality and most effective public health services,the highest quality and most effective public health services starts with developing a quality improvement (QI) mindset throughout the organization. Once this mindset is ingrained in the organization, all actions support the...


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Public Health Quality Improvement Encyclopedia

June 5, 2012


Quality improvement (QI) in public health is the use of a deliberate and defined improvement process, such as Plan-Do-Check-Act, which is focused on activities that are responsive to community needs and improving population health. It is essential for health departments to use QI tools to fulfill their...


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3-Step Competency Prioritization Sequence

February 13, 2012


The Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) define a broad array of professional development areas a public health organization may wish to consider in designing and executing a workforce development plan—a key requirement for Public Health Department Accreditation. However,...


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The ABCs of PDCA

September 10, 2010


​​The ABCs of PDCA, written by Grace Gorenflo and John W. Moran in April 2010, is an introduction to quality improvement (QI) through the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PDCA). This QI tool maps a process to help improve processes and eliminate inefficiencies in health departments. The article demonstrates...


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Resources & Tools