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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
2016 TAC Annual Meeting Will Be Held in Lawrence, Kansas

Related Categories: TRAIN, Workforce Development

Topic: Conferences and Events, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 1/29/2016

Representatives from public health, healthcare, and preparedness agencies and organizations from across the country are slated to attend this year’s TRAIN Affiliate Consortium (TAC) Annual Meeting, which will take place in Lawrence, Kansas from May 3 to May 6, 2016. Sponsored by the Public Health Foundation (PHF) and TRAIN’s technology partner, KMI Learning, the annual meeting provides opportunities to share information, tools and resources related to workforce training and development. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is hosting this year’s meeting.

TRAIN is the premier learning network for training professionals and volunteers who protect the public’s health. Developed and operated by PHF, TRAIN provides a robust platform for agencies and organizations in the public health, healthcare, and preparedness sectors to deliver, track, manage, and share workforce training across the network. The TAC is comprised of 28 state and federal agencies—known as TRAIN affiliates—that have administrative access to the TRAIN Learning Management System (LMS) platform and operate branded TRAIN web portals.
In addition to staff from TRAIN affiliates, representatives from agencies and organizations that focus on workforce training and development in the public health, healthcare, and preparedness sectors are also invited to attend. The theme for this year’s meeting is “TRAINing the Workforce for the Future.” Sessions will highlight the TRAIN learning network’s accomplishments, initiatives, and coordination with major public health priorities. This year’s topics include: Quality Control and TRAIN, The Guide to Improving and Measuring the Impact of Training, Foundations of Public Health Preparedness, How TRAIN and Public Health Accreditation Go Hand-in-Hand, Mastering the Art of Evaluations, TRAIN Collaboration: How Federal Agencies and States Can Meet Current Health Initiatives, and more. The draft meeting agenda can be downloaded by clicking the "Download this File" link in the green box above.
Staff from organizations or agencies interested in attending the 2016 TAC Annual Meeting, should contact PHF’s TRAIN Team by March 18, 2016. Please include your name, title, agency or organization, and why you wish to attend. The meeting fee is $200. Please note that meeting capacity is limited and requests to participate must be approved. 
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of becoming a part of TAC, please contact PHF's TRAIN Team to explore how your agency or organization can join.


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2016 TAC Annual Meeting Will Be Held in Lawrence, Kansas