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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Public Health Learning (November 2017)

Related Categories: Workforce Development

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 10/25/2017

Public Health Learning 
November 2017
Achieving Healthier Populations & Communities
How Access and Availability to Healthy Foods Significantly Impacts How We Eat
Access to and availability of healthier foods depends on both economic status and geography. For example, the number of times a person eats fast food is associated with the access to and availability of supermarkets (Athens et al., 2016). In addition, neighborhoods with high levels of poverty had fewer grocery stores and more fast food restaurants (Moyer & Salucci, 2013). Where we live and our access to healthy foods impacts how many apples, oranges, and pears we eat.

For learning opportunities on nutrition , the social determinants of health , physical activity/obesity , and diabetes ,log in to the TRAIN Learning Network .
Did You Know?
  • Since August 1, 2017, learners on TRAIN completed nearly 8,500 courses on content related to nutrition, physical activity, or obesity.

  • Nearly 100 courses/content related to nutrition, physical activity, or obesity have been added to TRAIN since January 1, 2017.
Resources for Nutrition, Physical Activity, or Obesity
  • Be a smart shopper by reading labels to find out more about the foods you eat. Learn the basics of the Nutrition Facts Panel, the meaning of health claims, terms and symbols on food packaging, and how to use that information to identify healthy choices.

  • Improving nutrition in developing countries is one of the most immediate ways to improve public health. If you are interested in international aid and development, look at these lectures and readings from the Department of International Health at Johns Hopkins University.

  • Being physically active and eating a healthy diet can prevent chronic disease and improve your personal well-being. The American Heart Association's Healthy For Good movement can help you understand fitness basics and the impact physical activity - or lack thereof - can have on your health.

  • How much physical activity do individuals need each day? What types of physical activity should you participate in? Review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Physical Activity Basics for more information.

  • The State of Obesity is a collaborative project of the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The annual report raises awareness about the seriousness of the obesity epidemic, encourages the creation of a national obesity prevention strategy, and highlights promising approaches for reversing the epidemic at the state and local level.

If you are interested in accessing additional online training content, review TRAIN’s courses on nutrition and physical activity/obesity .
Nutrition & Physical Activity / Obesity Events / Webinars

November 1, 2017. 2pm-3pm EDT.
Sponsor: School Nutrition Association

Webinar Series: Food Marketing to Youth .
November 15, 2017. 12pm-1pm EDT.
Sponsor: Villanova University College of Nursing

Additional Events / Webinars

Atlanta, GA
November 4-8, 2017.
Sponsor: American Public Health Association

Atlanta, GA
November 6, 2017. 10:30am-12pm EDT.
The Opioid Crisis: PHF Helps You to Respond Effectively
For nearly 50 years, the Public Health Foundation (PHF) has been helping organizations and communities identify and solve complex problems. PHF is uniquely positioned to help communities identify solutions, take action, and achieve improvements to health challenges such as the opioid crisis. Our population health expert team brings over 100 years of combined experience working with organizations and moving them from talk to effective action. Learn more about PHF’s population health approach to addressing the opioid crisis and access PHF’s one-page Opioid Response Planning Guide to help you get started today.

  • Athens, K., Duncan, D., & Elbel, B. (2016). Journal of Academy of Nutritional Diet. August 2016; 116(8), pp. 1266–1275. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.12.022

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Public Health Learning (November 2017)