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Academic Health Department Learning Community, Academic Health Department, Tool
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Academic Health Departments: Core Concepts

December 20, 2010


This summary document was developed following a review of the literature to present basic elements of the academic health department model. A definition of an academic health department is provided, along with proposed attributes, purpose, and benefits associated with the model. This document is being...


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Academic Health Departments: Bibliography

December 20, 2010


This bibliography includes published literature related to the academic health department model. It is a working document that will be updated periodically; suggestions for additions are welcome. The current list was last updated on March 7, 2016. For more information or to suggest literature to add...


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Survey for Schools of Public Health

September 15, 2010


This tool (created in 2001) was developed to help Schools of Public Health and other academic institutions assess the status and composition of their existing partnerships with health departments.​


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Health Department Survey

September 15, 2010


Public health departments can use this survey instrument to assess the status and composition of their existing partnerships with academic institutions. (Last updated in 2000.)​


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Resources & Tools