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Academic Health Department Learning Community, Council on Linkages, Research

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The Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice’s Academic Health Department Research Agenda: Comparison with WPHRN Priority Research Questions

February 7, 2018


This paper developed by the Wisconsin Public Health Research Network (WPHRN), a public health practice-based research network (PH-PBRN), suggests areas for potential collaboration on public health research. The paper compares potential research questions focused on the AHD model from the Council on...


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Academic Health Department Research Agenda

October 26, 2016


​The Academic Health Department (AHD) Research Agenda offers potential research questions focused on the AHD model – a type of partnership within public health in which practice organizations, such as health departments, and academic institutions that train future health professionals are formally affiliated....


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Developing an AHD Research Agenda (AHD Learning Community Presentation)

March 18, 2016


This archived webinar featuring Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community member Paul Campbell Erwin, MD, DrPH, University of Tennessee Department of Public Health, introduces the newest initiative of the AHD Learning Community: a research agenda focused on the AHD model. This research agenda...


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The Frequency and Characteristics of Academic Health Departments: An Exploratory Study (AHD Learning Community Meeting Presentation)

October 22, 2014


​This archived webinar presentation focuses on a recent survey designed to explore the characteristics of academic health departments (AHDs) and was originally presented during the October 2014 AHD Learning Community meeting. Conducted by a research team led by AHD Learning Community member Paul Campbell...


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