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Quality Improvement
Performance Management, Publication, National Public Health Performance Standards (NPHPS)
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JPHMP Special Issue on Quality Improvement (Jan/Feb 2010)

September 20, 2010


The Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (JPHMP) January/February 2010 Special Edition on Quality Improvement features the Public Health Foundation's (PHF) QI Experts Les Beitsch, John W. Moran, and William Riley as guest editors as well as authors of articles such as “Quality Improvement...


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The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook

July 20, 2010


Little in the current world is simple. Nothing comes in a box for us to add water and stir. There are those, however, who have been successful and who are willing to share their success. The messages in The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook are from leaders, physicians, practitioners, academics,...


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