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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Resources & Tools


Innovation and Quality in Public Health (Archived Webinar)

March 5, 2018


​This archived webinar explores how one local health department, the Oklahoma City-County Health Department (OCCHD), is moving its community forward to improved population health. Grounded in a culture of continuous quality improvement, OCCHD has embraced the community chief health strategist concept,...


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A Performance Management Initiative for Local Health Department Vector Control Programs

August 10, 2016


Local health department (LHD) vector control programs have experienced budget reductions, resulting in reduced capacity and decreased ability to identify and quickly respond to emerging vector-borne diseases such as Chikungunya and Zika. "A Performance Management Initiative for Local Health Department...


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Applying Performance Measurement to Public Health Policy Activities

August 7, 2012


​Use this performance measurement tool developed by PHF and the American Public Health Association to develop performance measures for your policy activities. This tool offers an introduction to performance measurement within the context of performance management. The first section of the tool...


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Healthy People 2010 Toolkit

September 10, 2010


The Healthy People 2010 Toolkit provides guidance, technical tools, and resources to help states, territories, and tribes develop and promote successful Healthy People 2010 plans and to prepare for 2015 or 2020 plans.  It can also serve as a resource for communities and other entities embarking on similar...


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Livingston County Department of Health, NY - Using the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals to Improve Performance

September 2, 2010


​As part of a Quality Improvement (QI) initiative, Livingston County Department of Health in New York has used the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals in two ways: 1) to improve its performance appraisal form; and, 2) to conduct a workforce needs assessment. Download this document to learn how...


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The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook

July 20, 2010


Little in the current world is simple. Nothing comes in a box for us to add water and stir. There are those, however, who have been successful and who are willing to share their success. The messages in The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook are from leaders, physicians, practitioners, academics,...


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Resources & Tools