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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Resources & Tools


Performance Improvement Learning Series Catalog

September 1, 2015


The Performance Improvement Learning Series Catalog provides a listing of technical assistance and training services delivered by PHF's experts. The catalog is a sample of offerings and provides public health agencies and organizations with a menu of programs, tools, and techniques to choose from when...


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Sedgwick County Health Department Storyboard - New Employee Orientation

April 4, 2011


The Quality Improvement Committee at the Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) in Kansas identified revising the New Employee Orientation as one of the eight improvement areas to address in an effort to develop a culture of QI at the agency.   AIM Statement By December 1, 2010, 90% of SCHD sup...


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Modular kaizen: Dealing with Disruptions

March 15, 2011


Modular kaizen: Dealing with Disruptions aims to help health departments achieve quick improvements in disruptive environments. Modular kaizen is the creation of an improvement or redesign project planned along a timeline that recognizes the highly volatile nature of the public health organization’s...


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Livingston County Department of Health, NY - Using the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals to Improve Performance

September 2, 2010


​As part of a Quality Improvement (QI) initiative, Livingston County Department of Health in New York has used the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals in two ways: 1) to improve its performance appraisal form; and, 2) to conduct a workforce needs assessment. Download this document to learn how...


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Quality Improvement (QI) Quick Guide

July 16, 2010


With a contribution from the National Library of Medicine, the Public Health Foundation (PHF) developed a Quality Improvement (QI) Quick Guide for public health practitioners, which was launched in 2010. The QI Quick Guide consists of a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Tutorial, a Quick Quiz, and tailored resources.   The...


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Developing a Health Department Quality Improvement Plan


A health department's Quality Improvement (QI) Plan is not created in a one-time event but rather a continuing process of improvement that shows what is actually happening to ensure customer satisfaction.  A QI Plan is also a document that provides written credibility and is a visible sign of management...


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Core Competencies for Performance Improvement Managers


  The Core Competencies for Performance Improvement Managers (PIMs) are a set of competencies for public health professionals in PIM positions.  Most of these positions in state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments have been funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)...


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Resources & Tools